Stable Funding. Strong Schools.
November 2023 Referendum
At Independent School District (ISD) 318, we are dedicated to educational excellence for every student. But our district faces significant challenges in achieving excellence. The cost of education continues to rise, and state funding for education has not kept up.
After years of cutting staff and class offerings, our district needs to stabilize our funding to provide strong schools that support student success – now and into the future.
Our Challenges
Over the past four years, our district has reduced our budget by 13% or $7.4 million. These cuts have affected every aspect of education and impacted our community.
To balance our budget, we have:
Reduced staff and administrative positions.
Eliminated foreign language programs.
Placed a hold on arts programming in the elementary school.
Reduced the number of elective courses available.
Reduced technology expenditures.
Delayed bus purchases.
Raised activity fees.
Started charging the community for the use of school facilities.
We have managed our budget as efficiently and effectively as possible without seeking additional funding from our residents. However, we have reached a point where we know additional investments are needed to provide the quality education our students deserve, and our families and communities expect.
Across Minnesota, over 70% of school districts rely on voter-approved operating levies to maintain education programming and services for students. ISD 318 does not have a voter-approved levy. As a result, our district spends hundreds of dollars less per student each year than similar sized
school districts.
Our Plan: Stable Funding. Strong Schools.
Based on the feedback we received, ISD 318 is asking voters to consider three ballot questions on Tuesday, Nov. 7 that would provide the funding needed to stabilize our finances and invest in our students, staff and schools:
A $1,100 per pupil operating levy that would provide the district with an additional $4.6 million each year.
A $2.5 million annual capital projects levy.
A $300 per pupil operating levy that would provide the district with an additional $1.2 million per year.
The levies would be in place for a seven year period if approved by voters. Question two cannot pass unless question one also passes. Question three cannot pass unless question two also passes.
Over the past year, district leaders listened to what staff, parents, students and residents had to say about the needs of our schools. This included a community survey, community information sessions and meetings with teachers, staff and residents.
If approved by voters, the increased funding from the levies would allow our district to:
Stabilize our finances and avoid future budget cuts.
Improve opportunities for our students.
Retain and attract quality staff.
Increase and maintain student access to technology to accelerate and enhance learning.
The Tax Impact
If voters approve the referenda, the owner of a home valued at $200,000 in the district would see an estimated property tax increase of $30.75 per month starting in 2024, while the owner of a home valued at $300,000 would see an estimated increase of $46.75 per month.
COMING SOON: A tax calculator to help you determine the estimated impact of the referenda on your specific property.
More Information Coming Soon!
Our community has shaped this plan, and ultimately residents will have the final say on November 7. We are committed to providing details and resources to help residents make an informed decision about the referenda. Check back soon for more details, including voting information and answers to frequently asked questions.